Let’s work together to transform our industry by bringing in more women and women of color into frontline roles.
“Hiring women is just the first step. Firms must also focus on developing them to reach their full potential.”
–Anita Knotts
What can Lotus do for companies?
Recruiting: Is your company struggling with finding a “pipeline” of diverse candidates? These candidates are women, women of color and/or next generation women, who are looking to break into financial services. We are training women on principles learned over three decades to set them up for success. This is what makes us different from other recruiters! We are looking to partner with firms that view themselves as changemakers.
Talent Development: Is your company providing a path for career growth for your high-potential female employees? One of the best ways to ensure that you retain your female workforce is to make sure you continue to provide them with skill development; mentorship and progressive training. Career development and retention are highly correlated! Let Lotus help you!